Friday Feb 01, 2008

Russian Revolution 1917 - Tara And Camille

 The Russian Revolution of 1917 wasn't necessarily useless since Russia needed reform and money. The Revolution itself was pretty disorganized and the whole event was scattered.   1. In the Russian revolution, the groups used a lot of methods to express their frustrations, all of which help lead to the revolution being born. Some of these methods were burning down police stations, the common one which is mobs on the street, royal soldiers turning away form Tsar, and the people separated into groups. The mobs that were on the streets were striking about food shortages, and not having enough bread “bread! Give us bread!”  When the people went into different groups was one of the big problems. Middle class peasants were rising and forming new groups and Petrograd workers formed a group and ordered the release of political prisoners. The second group was soldiers and deputies. Another big event that happened was when the soldiers or the military turned from Tsar, which meant that he is losing his power.  2. The Russian Revolution is similar to the EDSA, American and French Revolution because it started off with the same problem. A dictator no one agreed with. Nikolay Alexandrovich Romanov or Nicholas II was the Tsar of Russia from 1894 to his abdication in 1917. In the other revolutions, there was a ruling party whom the citizens didn’t particularly like. They are all similar because the people of the country actually did something about it.  In the Philippines they rallied, in France they protested, in America they rebelled, in Russia they fought. The Russians were very disorganized with the way they fought back, unlike the other revolutions studied. They did protest and let the Tsar know what they wanted, but like the other revolutions, the leader responded too late and the war started. That is why the other revolutions are extremely similar and dissimilar to each other.   3. If the king responded quickly instead of responding too late, then maybe the revolution wouldn’t have turned out to be so bad and he probably wouldn’t have lost his life. The nation or the people of Russia due to the revolution did become improved. This is because after the revolution, the country became a republic, they began to make laws and they started to elect their leaders. There was still a Tsar, but they all made decisions together.   4. The Revolution wasn’t useless, but Russia would have been pretty much the same without it. It wasn’t useless because they have managed to get rid of tsar (the king of Russia), but the groups weren’t well defined because of all of the people who kept going in and out of Russia. This made the revolution very disorganized. Other methods would probably have made this Revolution better; like if the people would’ve been more organized and less violent could have worked because they could’ve persuaded Tsar in a more peaceful way.   5. The Russian revolution does fit into the Brinton Crane’s Stages of the revolution. There are symptoms, like mobs on the streets protesting about food shortages, burning police stations, and the military turning against the Tsar. The rising fever was when the population started breaking up into different groups that spread throughout the country. The crisis was when the provincial and the soviets split to get more people throughout the country and the revolution broke out without leadership or plans. The way it fits into convalescence was when they killed the Tsar, his wife and most of his family. So like other revolution we’ve studied, the Russian revolution also fits into the Brinton Crane’s Stages of the Revolution. BIBLIOGRAPHY:

"Russian Revolution (1917)." Article. 31 January 2008. Wikipedia. 1 Feb 2008 .

"Russian Revolution of 1917 - October Revolution." Oneness Commitment. Experience Festival. 1 Feb 2008 . "THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION OF 1917 : Causes." Russian Revolutions. The Corner. 1 Feb 2008 .

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